Frequently Asked Questions

Who runs Guadalupe House?
Guadalupe House is owned and operated by the Confraternity of Penitents (CFP), a worldwide, nonprofit, 501(c)3 private association of the faithful, commended by the Diocese of Fort Wayne-South Bend (IN, USA).
Do I have to be member of the CFP or discerning a specific vocation to live at Guadalupe House?
Not at all! Although the houses are operated by a Franciscan organization, residents are encouraged to simply follow God's will, whatever it may be.
Can I have a job while staying in the house?
Yes! You will likely need a source of income to pay your fair share of household expenses, and for your own personal needs.
Can Guadalupe House help me pay off debt?
If you volunteer ten hours per week for the Confraternity of Penitents, you can stay at Guadalupe House free of charge (meals excluded). After any other expenses, your income could then help pay off debt.
Am I required to join in prayer and meal times?
If possible, please attend common prayer and meals at least twice a week to help you get to know your community.
Will meals be provided?
You will be chiefly responsible for your own meals. However, some common meals will be provided using monthly house dues from each resident.
Does a priest assist the house?
Yes. Father Dan Koehl (pictured here) is the Spiritual Assistant for Guadalupe House. He visits from time to time and offers Mass occasionally in the house chapel.
Can I have a social life?
Yes. Friends and family are an important part of your life! However, please keep in mind that you will be part of a community here. Your time and responsibilities at the Guadalupe House house should be a priority.
Can I have a cell phone and computer?
Yes! However, sound must be confined as much as possible to your personal bedroom, especially during quiet hours.

Do I have to be from the Fort Wayne-South Bend Diocese to live at Guadalupe House?
Not at all! Former residents have come from California, Michigan, Florida, Rhode Island, Oklahoma, and Connecticut, among other places.
Can I have guests at the house?
Visitors are allowed in the parlor and house chapel outside of quiet hours. Overnight stays may be possible for family members or friends, if there is space available in the guest apartment. The house administrator has the final say if an overnight guest is allowed, and if the guest will be required to volunteer or offer a stipend for time spent at the house. Typical stipend for an overnight stay in guest quarters is $30 per night.
Can I have a pet?
Only if it's confined to a tank or cage. Roaming pets such as dogs and cats are not allowed. The Confraternity of Penitents has several cats and a dog. You are welcome to play with and help care for them.
Do I have to participate in volunteer hours?
Your volunteer hours are mutually beneficial to you and to CFP ministry. Working in community is a fruitful way to discern, to discover new talents, and to build virtue. While you can elect not to participate in our volunteer ministry, we strongly encourage you to take advantage of the opportunity. Volunteer hours help alleviate or totally cover the cost of your program service fees.
Can I apply for residency if I have transitioned into a woman but want to return to my original male gender?
Yes, but you must come to Guadalupe House in your original male gender, be willing to accept the Catholic focus of the house, and abide by house rules. We believe that God assigns the gender He wishes to each person. We are here to affirm you in your God-given male gender and to help you affirm yourself and find your future path as a man. That said, Guadalupe House does not accept women who have "transgendered into men" as their female biological gender cannot be changed. We are a men's house, after all. If "transgendered men" wish to return to their original female gender, they are welcome to apply to Annunciation Women's House for residency and support.